Social Networking Sites

In the modern world, Social networking sites are everywhere we look. One would be able to find a social networking sites simply by accessing any site. Many sites will contain links to their social network. As such, the four sites that will be analyzed are Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat and Reddit.
On the topic of Facebook, despite the potential privacy risk, it is a key tool for many users lives. Businesses use it to advertise and present their product and services to the world. The average user use it to find and communicate with others. Personally, i strictly use Facebook for messenger which is a easy way to communicate with others. Twitter is similar to Facebook in the sense that it allows us to find others and communicate with others. However, with a different interface from facebook, it is noted with its maximum letter length: it is designed for brief opinion rather than potentially long posts on facebook. SnapChat is a social networking site that focuses on taking pictures and sharing with each other. The concept on these "snaps" are generally designed to appeal to a younger audience. i personally do not use either Twitter and SnapChat with the exception of schoolwork. The last site , Reddit is a site that i use the most. Similar to blogs, reddit is designed for users to post a topic or opinion and generally a comment section will appear with their opinions and analysis. All of the social networking sites have their pro and cons but i prefer Reddit as my social network of choice.


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