
With every passing day, the importance of new media is apparent to the running to our world. New media has given us the ability to easily express ideas and well as information. It has also given us the ability to quickly communicate with others. As such, one potential suggestion to improve Baruch College would be the use of virtual reality in teaching. Some students may benefit greatly when taught with hands-on rather than purely through powerpoint or chalkboard. The implementation of virtual reality or VR would allow students to virtualize the content being taught. Another suggestion would be to take full advantage of the digital medium and teach via livestream. This would allow students to skip the commute as well as benefit from the comfort of their own homes(Hopefully not too much.)


  1. This is a really good example of how Baruch can use New Media for teaching purposes. I really like the idea of using VR to teach students. It seems much better than a recorded lecture because it is in real time and the students can ask questions right then and there. With pre recorded lectures, the students can only watch it and if they don't understand, they will have to wait until the next meeting before asking the question.


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