Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

With the improvement of technologies, it is not a surprise to hear that we have created the ability to simulate the real world in terms of virtual reality. Many forms of virtual reality such as the oculus or steam VR have given us the ability to experience new adventures without having to be physically there.  Do you want to visit the great wall of china or the pyramid of giza? With VR, you can. As many technologies in this day and age, there are pros and cons. A pro as previously mentioned would be the ability to live a "second life" and simulate it via VR. An example as stated in the article" NO budget No boundaries: its the real you" written by Ruth la Ferla depicts a fad, almost 10 years ago about those that use VR to live out their wildest dreams. However, in this article; an almost impulsive addiction is created because of this. As many user wish to customize their character, which results in them purchasing thousands of dollars in microtransactions. Despite the potential risk of creating these addictive personalities, VR has allowed many to learn as stated in "The virtual world moves into the classroom" which gives us a sneak peak in how VR has allowed us to quickly conveying educational topics by making them more interactive.


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