Blog vs Wiki

With the growth of new media, many individuals are finding ways to express themselves and share their opinions. Platforms such as Reddit, Wikipedia and Wikia exist to allow an individual to share knowledges and perspectives on various subjects. These platforms are broken down into two categories. Blogs and Wikis. One similarity between the two would be that they are both online medians used to share information and express ideas. One difference would be that as stated in the book "ASTD Handbook for workplace learning professionals", " a blog allows one person to post thoughts or items such as an image, link or video clip and optionally allows others to comment on that item,a wiki is more dynamic:everyone with access can start discussions, change and add content" as such the difference of the two is quite significant but at the end of the day, they serve as a platform to spread opinions and information. The importance of a networked world allows us to consistency contact each other while in the past, if someone were to lose a phone number or business card; that contact would most likely be lost. Now today, as long as we have a name or a business name; the chance to find someone is much higher. Blogs can be used in collaborations also known as collabs, in a blog post by regina , it is stated that "collaborations allows you to be seen in a different light" and "it can allow you expand your offerings". The importance of this would be by working with others, the sum is greater than the sum of its parts. The finished product would be refined with the help of many users and sometimes new ideas are discovered because we opted to work together.


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